I realized yesterday I had only photographed men so far in my 4 days of photographing strangers. So I headed out (with my mom as my assistant) on the search for a woman stranger to photograph. We headed down 44th Drive passing only men along the way. When we hit the water I discovered a secret hideaway bar and grill in L.I.C., called Anable Basin. There were rows of picnic benches overlooking the East River and the sun setting behind Manhattan. I spotted a woman sitting with a group of guys. I wanted to scope out a spot before asking.  The bar sits against the back of a building painted yellow with black line drawings of cogs and gears. The owner, Miroslav, was working behind the bar and the setting was perfect with him in it. Women another day, or maybe not…

Miroslav, the owner of Anable Basin ©Katarina Kojic

©Katarina Kojic

Anable Basin in LIC ©Katarina Kojic